STILL Education Kit

This K-12 education resource has three components. There are two PowerPoint Slideshows ‘Still Life — A History’ and ‘STILL 2017 Exhibition’ and one document of ‘Still Teachers’ Notes and Activities’. All of these are also saved as PDFs for ease of printing.

The document ‘Education Resource for Teachers’ is designed to accompany the PDFs. The notes can be printed out or used as an adjunct to the slideshows. The notes feature questions (Q) and activities (A) for primary age students and secondary age students grouped by the four themes.

The first PDF ‘Still Life — A History’ gives a definition and context for the genre of Still Life in western art history. The PDF shows historical examples of still life which connect to the contemporary responses to still life found in the Still exhibition.

The second PDF ‘STILL: The Artists 2017’ focuses on sixteen contemporary Australian artists selected from the more than sixty artists featured in the exhibition. The PDF shows a slide of the artist’s work and their artist statement. The images are grouped by four themes: Illusion, Symbolism, Personal & Political, Identity.

The teachers’ notes also include an “Introduction to the Genre of Still life” which relates to the information found in the first slide show and background information about the National Still Life Award.

This education resource was commissioned and supported by Bryant McKinnon Lawyers. Special thanks go to Heather McKinnon for her ongoing support of the arts and education in the Coffs Harbour region.