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School Holiday Rhythm & Percussion Workshop with Greg Sheehan (Ages 12-16)

Wednesday 4 Oct at 1:30 pm 3:00 pm

Keep those young hands and minds engaged with this fun and rhythmic workshop!

An image of a bongo-style drum
School Holiday Rhythm & Percussion Workshop with Greg Sheehan (Ages 12-16)
4 Oct 2023
1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Digital Studio,
Yarrila Place,
27 Gordon, Street,
Coffs Harbour
FREE – Lunch provided
Bookings Essential

Keep young hands and minds busy in the Spring school holidays with this fun and rhythmic workshop for young people.

This workshop will get you clapping, stomping, and discovering music using your own body and a drum. The magnificent sounds of the group tapping and drumming in rhythm will be audio-recorded using Yarrila Place’s digital studio facilities and made available for participants to take home. The workshop will be facilitated by ‘Rhythm Magician,’ Greg Sheehan. Greg is a local artist with decades of experience, he will share his unique style of rhythmic notation and body percussion techniques.

What can I expect?

Learn to create your own rhythms and music through clapping, tapping, drumming, walking and number games! We will be working on polyrhythms, rhythmic numbers and patterns using creative games and improvisation to create a thrilling group rhythmic experience.

See a taster of Greg at TEDx: https://youtu.be/d-oXzkTPU4I


Free – Bookings essential. Lunch provided.

This workshop has been supported by the NSW Office for Regional Youth Holiday Break Program.

Terms & Conditions

For participants under the age of 16, parents and/or guardians of children must remain within Yarrila Place for the duration of the workshop.

If you arrive more than 15 minutes after the advertised start time and there are people in the standby queue, your spot may be allocated to the standby queue.

If you are unable to attend, please cancel your registration at least 24 hours prior to the event. As Programs have limited spaces, repeated failure to notify staff of cancellations may result in bookings being refused in the future.

Attendance at our events may be digitally recorded through photographs and/or videos. These images may be used by City of Coffs Harbour in their publications, social media, council’s website or newspaper. Please notify staff if you do not wish the participant to be filmed/ photographed.

About Greg

Greg Sheehan is one of the leading figures in Australian Percussion. In Greg’s 50 year career as a musician and teacher, he has worked with children in Schools, pre-schools , communities and festivals both in Australia and Overseas. The children find Greg very engaging, inspirational and humorous! Over the last 15 years Greg has been working in REMOTE COMMUNITIES with the Music Outback Foundation, in Northern Territory, South Australia and New South Wales. He is now running holiday activities and holds a weekly session for 3-8 year olds. Greg has also appeared on the popular television show PLAYSCHOOL, in what has become one of the most requested episodes ever!

Musician, Greg Sheehan
Musician, Greg Sheehan