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Angela Tay | Red Mangrove Grey Mangrove

Saturday 8 Jun Sunday 14 Jul, 2024

Witness the beauty and complexity of Angela Tay’s Red Mangrove Grey Mangrove and be transported to the stunning mangrove forests of the Coffs Coast and Southeast Asia.

Angela Tay, Red Mangrove Grey Mangrove, 2022, Moving image. Image courtesy of the artist.
Angela Tay | Red Mangrove Grey Mangrove
8 Jun – 14 Jul 2024
Free entry

As a student of Chinese visual and martial arts, Angela brings a unique perspective to her work, offering a mesmerizing choreography that references calligraphic lines. Her intricate and graceful movements, combined with visuals of mangrove forests, create a mesmerising and thought-provoking experience.